How To Choose A Dishwasher With Energy-saving Features

So you’re in the market for a new dishwasher and want to make sure it’s not only efficient at cleaning your dishes, but also energy-saving? We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting a dishwasher that not only meets your cleaning needs but also helps you save on energy bills. From looking for the ENERGY STAR label to considering water usage and cycle options, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. Say goodbye to wasted energy and hello to sparkling clean dishes!

Factors to Consider

When choosing a dishwasher, there are several factors to consider that can greatly impact your overall satisfaction and efficiency of the appliance. Some of the key factors include energy efficiency, water efficiency, size and capacity, noise level, cleaning performance, additional features, budget considerations, user reviews and ratings, as well as warranty and customer support.

Let’s take an in-depth look at each of these factors and why they are important when selecting a dishwasher.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an important consideration when choosing any home appliance, including a dishwasher. Not only does an energy-efficient dishwasher conserve electricity, but it can also result in significant cost savings over time.

ENERGY STAR Certification

One of the first things to look for when considering energy-efficient dishwashers is the ENERGY STAR certification. This certification indicates that the appliance has met strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE). Dishwashers with ENERGY STAR certification typically use less water and energy while still delivering optimal performance.

Energy Consumption

Checking the energy consumption of a dishwasher is also essential. Look for the EnergyGuide label, which provides estimated energy usage and annual operating costs. This information can help you compare different dishwasher models and make an informed decision based on long-term energy savings.

Wash and Dry Options

Dishwashers with customizable wash and dry options allow you to choose the appropriate settings for each load, saving energy and ensuring optimal cleaning performance. Look for dishwashers with options such as eco mode, quick wash, and half load settings to further enhance energy efficiency.

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Delay Start Option

The delay start option is another useful feature for energy efficiency. With this feature, you can program the dishwasher to start later when energy rates are lower or when you’re not home. It allows you to take advantage of off-peak hours, reducing energy costs.

Eco Mode

Many dishwashers offer an eco mode, which is specifically designed to minimize energy and water usage. This setting extends the cycle time and adjusts water temperature to maximize energy efficiency while still providing effective cleaning.

How To Choose A Dishwasher With Energy-saving Features

Water Efficiency

In addition to energy efficiency, water efficiency is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a dishwasher. By selecting a water-efficient dishwasher, you can help conserve this precious resource while minimizing water bills.

Water Consumption

One of the primary considerations for water efficiency is the amount of water a dishwasher consumes per cycle. Look for dishwashers that mention water consumption levels in their specifications. Dishwashers with lower water consumption, typically around 4-5 gallons per cycle, are more water-efficient than those that use more water.

Water Efficiency Labels

Similar to energy efficiency, there are water efficiency labels that can help consumers identify water-saving dishwashers. Some of these labels include WaterSense and WELS (Water Efficiency Labeling and Standards). These labels indicate that the dishwasher has met specific criteria for water efficiency and conservation.

Soil Sensors

Dishwashers equipped with soil sensors are able to detect how dirty the dishes are and adjust the water usage accordingly. This ensures that only the necessary amount of water is used, contributing to water efficiency.

Spray Intensity

Look for dishwashers with adjustable spray intensity settings. Being able to customize the spray intensity allows you to use just enough water to clean the dishes thoroughly, reducing unnecessary water consumption.

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of a dishwasher are important considerations to ensure it fits properly in your kitchen and can handle your specific needs.

Dishwasher Size

Measure the space available in your kitchen to determine the appropriate dishwasher size. Standard dishwashers are typically 24 inches wide, while compact models are around 18 inches wide. Choosing the right size ensures a seamless installation and allows for easy loading and unloading of dishes.

Interior Capacity

Consider the number of place settings a dishwasher can accommodate. This will vary depending on the model and brand. Larger families may prefer dishwashers with a larger capacity to minimize the need for multiple cycles or frequent loading.

Flexible Racks

Look for dishwashers with adjustable and flexible racks. This feature allows you to arrange and customize the interior space to accommodate dishes of various sizes and shapes, making it easier to fit everything in and optimize the cleaning capacity.

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Cutlery Tray or Basket

Consider whether you prefer a dishwasher with a cutlery tray or a cutlery basket. Cutlery trays provide a separate section for utensils, freeing up space in the lower rack for larger dishes. On the other hand, cutlery baskets are more versatile and can be placed in different locations within the dishwasher.

How To Choose A Dishwasher With Energy-saving Features

Noise Level

The noise level of a dishwasher is an important factor to consider, especially if your kitchen is open or close to living areas where noise can be disruptive.

Decibel Levels

Dishwashers are rated in decibels (dB), with lower decibel ratings indicating quieter operation. Look for dishwashers with decibel ratings of around 45 dB or lower for a quiet and peaceful kitchen environment.


Dishwashers with high-quality insulation can help reduce noise by effectively containing the sound within the appliance. Look for dishwashers with sound-dampening materials or insulation layers to minimize noise during operation.

Anti-Vibration Features

Some dishwashers come with anti-vibration features that help reduce noise caused by vibrations during the washing cycle. These features can contribute to a quieter dishwasher experience.

Cleaning Performance

Of course, one of the primary functions of a dishwasher is to effectively clean your dishes. Consider the following aspects of cleaning performance when choosing a dishwasher.

Washing Cycles

Dishwashers with multiple washing cycles offer flexibility in choosing the most suitable cycle for different types of loads. Common cycles include normal, heavy-duty, delicate, quick wash, and eco wash. Look for a dishwasher with a variety of cycles that cater to your specific cleaning needs.

Washing Zones

Some dishwashers feature washing zones that allow you to target specific areas within the dishwasher for a more thorough clean. These zones can be particularly useful for heavily soiled dishes or when you have limited loads.

Spray Arms

The spray arms of a dishwasher play a critical role in distributing water and detergent evenly for effective cleaning. Look for dishwasher models with multiple spray arms and ensure they are designed to reach all corners and surfaces of the dishwasher for optimal cleaning performance.

Filter System

A dishwasher with a high-quality filter system is essential for removing food particles and preventing clogs. Look for dishwashers with self-cleaning filters or those that offer easy access for maintenance and cleaning.

Additional Features

While energy efficiency, water efficiency, size, noise level, and cleaning performance are key considerations, there are also various additional features that can enhance your dishwasher experience.

Smart Connectivity

Some dishwashers offer smart connectivity features that allow you to control and monitor the appliance remotely using a smartphone or tablet. These features can provide added convenience and flexibility in managing your dishwasher.

Auto-Open Door

An auto-open door feature automatically opens the dishwasher door at the end of the cycle to help speed up the drying process. This feature can also help reduce the risk of moisture build-up and potential odors.

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Steam Cleaning

Dishwashers with steam cleaning capabilities provide an additional level of cleaning and sanitization. The high temperatures generated by steam can help remove stubborn stains, grease, and bacteria from dishes, ensuring a more thorough clean.

Adjustable Racks

Look for dishwashers with adjustable racks that can be easily repositioned to accommodate larger or awkwardly shaped items. This flexibility allows for more efficient use of space and improves loading and unloading convenience.

Child Lock

If you have young children at home, a dishwasher with a child lock feature can prevent accidental operation or tampering with the controls. This feature adds an extra layer of safety and peace of mind.

Budget Considerations

When choosing a dishwasher, it’s important to consider both the initial purchase price and the operating costs.

Initial Purchase Price

Dishwashers vary in price depending on their brand, features, and quality. Set a budget based on your needs and priorities, and consider the long-term savings that can be achieved through energy and water efficiency.

Operating Costs

Consider the operating costs of the dishwasher, including electricity, water, and detergent usage. Energy-efficient and water-efficient dishwashers may have higher initial purchase prices but can result in significant savings in the long run.

User Reviews and Ratings

User reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into the reliability and overall performance of a dishwasher. Take the time to read customer reviews and consider the overall satisfaction levels and any recurring issues mentioned by users. Websites and forums dedicated to appliances and customer reviews can be helpful in making an informed decision.


Consider the reliability of the dishwasher by looking for models with a proven track record of durability and longevity. Dishwashers with a reputation for frequent breakdowns or maintenance issues may not be the most reliable choice.

Overall Performance

Pay attention to user reviews that focus on the overall performance of the dishwasher. Look for feedback on cleaning efficiency, ease of use, noise level, and any standout features that contribute to an exceptional dishwasher experience.

Warranty and Customer Support

The warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer are important factors to consider when selecting a dishwasher. A reliable warranty and efficient customer support can provide peace of mind and assistance in case of any issues.

Length of Warranty

Check the length of the warranty provided by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in the reliability and durability of their product. Look for warranties that cover both parts and labor.

Manufacturer’s Reputation

Consider the manufacturer’s reputation for producing quality dishwashers and providing excellent customer service. Established brands with a history of manufacturing reliable appliances are typically a safer choice.

Customer Service Options

Research the customer service options provided by the manufacturer. This includes availability of technical support, ease of contacting customer service, and responsiveness to inquiries or issues. A manufacturer with efficient customer service can make the process of dealing with any problems much smoother.

In conclusion, when choosing a dishwasher, it’s important to consider factors such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, size and capacity, noise level, cleaning performance, additional features, budget considerations, user reviews and ratings, as well as warranty and customer support. By taking these factors into account, you can select a dishwasher that not only meets your needs but also contributes to a more efficient and convenient kitchen experience. Happy dishwashing!